Patrick Neal PNI INSURANCE Budget CalculatorĀ® | |
Input your monthly income and expenses into the fields below. (If a category doesn't pertain to you, just leave it blank.) Then, when you're done, click on the "calculate" button to total your numbers. A positive number indicates a budget surplus; a negative number indicates a budget deficit. Rework your numbers until you're happy with the results.
Collection of Different Budget Planners
Learn about it and how to plan for it
- Mortgage Payoff Goal CalculatorThis calculator will show you the additional monthly payment you will need to make on your current mortgage in order to pay it off within a specified number of years.
- Mortgage Qualification CalculatorThis calculator will show you how much house you can afford / qualify for. Remember that your budget should ultimately determine how much you should spend on housing each month.
- Mortgage Refinancing CalculatorThis calculator will help you to decide whether or not you should refinance your current mortgage at a lower interest rate.
- Mortgage Term Comparison CalculatorThis calculator that will help you to compare monthly payments and interest costs of home mortgages at various loan term lengths.
- College Funding CalculatorThis calculator will help you to determine how much money you need to invest on a monthly basis now, in order to be able to pay for your child's college education by the time they are ready to start college.
- Monthly Deposit Savings Calculator w/Compounding ComparisonThis calculator will help you to determine the future value of a monthly investment at various compounding intervals.
- Retirement Savings CalculatorUse this calculator to compute how much you would need to have invested in order to withdraw a specified amount each month over the course of a specified period of time.
- Savings Goal CalculatorUse this calculator to figure how much your current savings will grow and how much more you'll need to save each month in order to achieve a given savings goal within a given number of years.
- Single Deposit Savings CalculatorThis calculator will help you to determine the future value of a one-time investment.
- Life Insurance Need CalculatorUse this calculator to help you decide how much life insurance you need if your survivors invest the life insurance benefits they receive.
- Accelerated Debt Payoff CalculatorUse this calculator to show you how much time and money you could save by paying off your debts using the "rollover" method.
- Auto Payment Comparison CalculatorUse this calculator to compare monthly payments given the six most popular auto loan lengths.
- Automobile Affordability CalculatorThis calculator will help you to compute how much car you can afford. Remember that your budget should ultimately determine how much you should spend on transportation each month.
- Automobile Loan Payment CalculatorThis simple calculator will compute the monthly payment of an automobile loan.